
Welcome to my website!

Feel free to look around! If you have any questions or concerns regarding commissions, please view my contact page!

Terms of services

As of: 2024/11/25

Commission Terms:

  • I have the right to refuse a commission for any reason.

  • I have the right to use your texture for promotion on any platform. (Please let me know if you'd like get tag)

  • I do not accept changes after a completed commission.

  • Reference sheets must be high res and show clear markings.

  • I do not work with materials in Substance Painter.

  • I do not texture clothing or other props for models.

  • I do not accept rush commissions due to the nature of my irregular work schedule.

  • Do not have another artist modify your texture for you

  • Credit me!

The process:

  1. I will ask for a reference sheet (if any) and model of choice.

  2. I will tell you the amount you are paying and ask for the email link to your PayPal.

  3. Wait for me to get back to you with a screenshot of your avatar.

  4. After I have sent a screenshot, you are allow to request necessary changes and I will stop accepting refunds after this period.

  5. Once I have made the changes, I will send you a zip file with your textures.

Payment & Refunds:

  • Payments are upfront via Paypal invoices.

  • Refunds are only allow before the screenshots are sent.

  • I only accept PayPal.

  • I do not accept cryptocurrency.

Additional info:

  • I love artistic freedom! <3

  • Estimated wait time is unknown but I will give myself a deadline no longer than a month.

  • Using Substance Painter 2024.


Base work --> $35

Complexity --> +$10

Unity set up --> +$5; Emissions (in full) --> +$5

Price explanation:

  • Base work - this is the starting amount.

  • Complexity - This is additional to the base price. I will charge you this amount the more complex your character design is.

  • Unity set up - I can help you set up your avatar with your textures, emissions, and shader. (no clothing/props)

  • Emissions - you will be paying for all emissions at this price, not for each.


Contact me at any time and I will respond as soon as possible!

I do not respond to single "hello" or "how are you", please state your buisness.

Discord: aetheo